My dearest darling Zul Arif Nael...
It was 4 years back, 21st of May 2003 at around 1:30pm, I held you in my arms and we were overcome with so much joy and emotions to see such a beautiful and healthy baby. Despite the knot of your umbilical cord which can be fatal and your neck was wrapped and twisted by them, alhamdullilah you were protected by Allah, you were safe and most importantly healthy. Bringing you up was not an easy task especially on the health department but who would want to remember? We cherish every single little thing from your wet diapers to your cutesy little smile and now we, your parents go crazy with your wicked foolish manja expression that you flash from time to time. We are your biggest fan and we would die to make you a one happy boy. We love you to the bits sayang and with so much pride and joy we're looking forward to have another 100 years to be with you.
Happy 4th Birthday Sayang Ummi and Papa
"Fresh from the oven - Taken on 21st May 2003"
"At nursery, ready to cut cake with friends - Taken on 21st May 2004"
"Tengah godek2 Ummi's pusrse - Taken on 21st May 2005"
"Budak nakal tapi manja! - Taken on 21st May 2006"