Monday, July 7, 2008

Nael is 5!

Written on 21st May 2008

I have been longing to write about Nael, his achievements, his milestone, his charm, his attitude towards his baby brother and other gazillion things but my mind is always about thinking of the day to day happenings, the office, the family, the baby, the chores...

I remember a week before I gave birth to Aidan is the most precious moments I have with Nael. we were so closed, we were like one , in a love cacoon , touching, kissing, huggings and I pampered him a lot, knowing that my time with him will be very limited with the new arrival. Each day for that one week, he was with me, we didn't send him over to his nenek's house, I did what every mother does to her kids, wake him up from sleep, drag him to shower, brush teeth, cuci bontot (poo time) , cooked b'fast, then luch hour came, we had lunch outings, bought him cheap toys from 7-11, spent the whole afternoon watching ceria (until i got really sick with ultraman, kampung boy and such), waited for papa to come home from office, dinner, then play and read with him, watched tv until late night, huggie huggie, kissy kissy ...that's what we did everyday for about a week. Then came Aidan, I was happy but at the same time sadness crept up in me when I started to hold the baby, I felt so distant with Nael esp during the confinement. Pity him really, tv was his peer, no one to layan him. As a mother you can feel his lost and the craving for attention, what more when you hold your baby, he demanded to be held exactly like the baby. Sometimes I snapped at him for slamming the door and woke up the baby and me :( He also see less of his papa during that period as papa was really busy in the office, so to compensate for the time lost and also to divert his attention, hubby bought him a playstation :P and a few other toys that were really expensive (which I'm totally against it). So bermulalah cerita Nael with his new addiction....

PSII : oh's really a boy thingy..small boys, big boys, they are the same, tak mau makan, tak mau tido, tak mau mandi. The funny thing is when you see them fighting over the watchamacalit, remote/joystick, apa2lah..the wars and battles, the roar, the cheers, the jeers, the excitements, the slamming, the thumb cramp, the tired eyes , the aching body was speechless. The first game he played was ultraman and Cars, then came the rest, Spiderman, Tomb Raider, Sonic, Golden Compass, Hot Wheels, Ben10 (the latest) and many more. I can tell you he's really good with them, some games he managed to get to the high level as high as level 7 for spiderman. One thing you hv to bear in mind he can't really read but he can manouvere the menu easy peasy but some instructions, we have to tell and guide him. Another clever note he even thought his papa on some great moves hehehe..sometimes I saw them exchanging ideas, kinda like knowledge sharing hahaha..very cute!

Nael loves his baby brother. Whenever Aidan cries for milk, he would summon me "cepatla mimi, aidan nak nenen nieee, bagila nenen ummi tu.." and he loves saying this when Aidan was abt3-4 mths.."alaaabudak comel nie, senyum pulak dia.." while tickling Aidan's cheek. But now Aidan is 9 mths old,quite aggresive and playful with toys, the big brother somehow has developed "this toy is mine and that's yours" and sometimes "THIS is mine and THAT is mine too". Pity Aidan but we are not going to let it happen anymore, we constantly remind him to share, this is your baby brother, you have to love him, etc...Nevertheless, we can tell that he can't get enough of his baby brother.

Since, he joined C3C in Jan and he's already reading Book 6. He can read page by page in Eng and his word bank is increasing tremendeuosly. Recently we received his math paper and not bad at all with his perfect score for addition, bigger and smaller numbers. Not only that, he even can recite surahs : fatihah, ikhlas, an-nas, al falaq, al-asr, lahab, kafiroon, from his nenek's computer :) Sometimes, he even perform solat on his own reciting surah that he's comfortable with albeit 5 rakaats for Isya' :)

Today is 21st May and it has been 5 years we have him. Thank you Allah for the most precious gift of all : anak2.

Sayang Ummi and papa, Zul Arif Nael : Happy 5th Birthday sayang! Lots of love from us and your baby brother Aidan.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

His Big Day

Written on 9th Jan 2008

On the 3rd January 2008, I took half day off just to be with my lovey dovey grown up boy, Nael for his 1st day of school. Not big school though. Remember an incident last year, June 2007 where he was punched by his classmate (too bad I can't refer to my archive). After that gory mory incident, we took him out from K@fa and as expected Nael was very delighted with the idea of not going to school anymore. Basically we were very upset with the principal in how she handled the case plus other things as well which I should not dwell much about them, needless to say, my respect was pulled to a lower scale. In last 6 mths, Nael was confined at home, he was very traumatized esp when you mention about school. Need I say more, he hated school *shudder*. In December, we made up our mind to register him at C3C kindy which is nearby to my mother in law's house, paid everything and we even brought him tour the school. Can you imagine, when were at the school's doorstep, Nael was very shaky and asked to be carried? That show how much he was terrified with 'school'.

So, last week, moi and my other half escorted him to the school, with his oversized uniform, dia buat muka monyok. I had talked to his teacher and briefly explained Nael's character and she assured me everything will be A OK *legaaa*. We stood outside the classroom and from time to time we peeked in, guess what we saw? Nael gave a thumb up HAHAHA....The whole class had an orientation ie: computer room kat mana, toilet mana, sinki mana, swimming pool mana, they had a break with snack and my shy boy even ate 4 biskut lemak!! and rounds of orange juice :P By 10:30am we were at home and this boy of mine can't stop talking about his new school. Yay!! *ummi very the lega*

On 7th Jan, again we sent him to the kindy just to ensure he's comfortable enough with his new environment. Macam tak percaya jer, Nael followed the teacher's instruction well and today he even called my mobile and menceceh how clever he is to be able to write numbers from 1 to 10 hehehe.... Oh yess...he even told me "ka cau (Kah Chau) cried, kesian diaaaa..." amboiiii!!

I just hope and pray that he will enjoy more of his time with his new friends at this new kindy and put all the ugly scenes and unhappy state behind.